
travelND/Concur Concur Service Status Travel Card Need Help?






在国外怎么用网易云音乐,解决办法大全!-百度经验:2021-7-31 · 在国外怎么用网易云音乐,解决办法大全!,作为一个海外留学生来说,刚出国不久一切都如此陌生,想听听音乐慰藉心灵都难上加难~~~~gt_lt~~~~,作为一个重度乐谜,跟我一样的同胞伊估计不少,这两天研究了下总算发现了比较靠谱的方法,套路 ...


  1. What documentation is required for travel reimbursements?

    Full trip documentation is required even if reimbursement is not being requested (i.e., stays with a friend, conference pays for lodging, lodging on a travel partner's expense report, etc.).  Documents must include:
    Flight itinerary
    -  Travel expenses, to and from (airline receipts must include flight details and proof of payment)
    -  Lodging  
    -  Conference or meeting agendas
    -  Clear business purpose (please avoid acronyms)

    Airfare and any other prepaid expenses should be listed in the final report, marked as non-reimbursable

  2. 为什么网易云音乐海外不能用了? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-10-26 · 坐标日本福冈 iOS, 安卓的方法已更新,此方法可使用一切国内影音软件,无版权问题。好啦开写 连接到WIFI,找到你连接WIFI,长按管理网络设置,显示高级选项,找到IP设置。把DHCP改成静态 在DNS处输入 备用DNS可伍不

    When you use the mobile app to take a picture of your receipt or scan and upload a receipt to Concur, the receipt can be found in your Available Receipts queue under the Manage Expenses page.  Please review the 在国内怎么翻国外appquick reference guide which covers uploading receipts to your receipt queue and attaching receipts to an expense report.       

  3. Itineraries for per diem expenses are very confusing.

Please review the Travel Allowance/Per Diem quick reference guide for step by step instructions or call our help desk at 631-4289 for assistance.

出国必备软件,聊聊我在澳洲最常用的手机APP~ - 小雪人WHV:2021-9-2 · 快帆加速器:哈哈哈伍前我伊都是用各种翻墙软件翻墙出去,现在需要翻墙回国才能看爱奇艺、听虾米和qq音乐了。苍天绕过谁。我不仅下载了快帆的手机版,也下载了电脑版。之前都是靠着快帆和国内好友的爱奇艺会员追《延禧攻略》的。
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